Union Jack's Bethesda

Primary tabs

4915 Saint Elmo Avenue
Bethesda, MD 20814

Types: Outside Seating/Al Fresco, Bar Scene, Pizza, Burger
Price Ranges: $30 and under
Hours: Mon-Thurs & Sun 11am-1:30am; Fri-Sat 11am -2:30am
Phone: (301) 652-2561
Union Jack's logo.jpg

Union Jack's is not your Dad's Old-Style English Pub!

Occupying over 7,500 sq. ft. in the heart of Bethesda, make this 'Mega-Pub' make this one of Bethesda's largest entertainment venues and home to your "One Stop Shop" for food and entertainment!  The menu features traditional British fare as well as time-hoored American restaurant cuisine.