Lower Your Electric Bill-Best New Green Energy Choices for MD-DC-VA-Pa

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CITYPEEK'ers-SCOOP-lower your energy bill, free, 20% green for your home and businesses in Connecticut, Maryland, New Jersey & Pennsylvania!

LOWER YOUR ELECTRIC BILL-3 Minutes Can Save You On Electric Bill monthly!  GO GREEN WHILE SAVING !  It's Free! Use my special link www.viridian.com/CITYpeek

I wanted everyone to have access to an energy choice that CITYPEEK Patti has changed to.  I have joined, Viridian Energy. With energy deregulation we ALL have the right to choose our energy supplier and Viridian Energy is the low cost energy provider with a focus of delivering at least 20% renewable energy. It is very easy and safe to become a customer and start saving immediately.

Switching is totally free to do. It is literally like throwing money out the window. Viridian Energy is “Power with Purpose”.

It is simple. Please take 3 minutes on my website http://viridian.com/CITYpeek and become a customer (you only need your BGE /PEPCO bill for the account number).

We offer a variable rate which is the most efficient way to purchase energy supply over the course of the year.


Thank you for taking the time to switch and save!


Please feel free to call me with any questions and please tell other family and friends about Viridian Energy and send them my link: www.viridian.com/CITYpeek .


They will thank you for years to come…

Patti Neumann



Q. Why should I choose Viridian Energy as my electricity supplier?
A.  In addition to the savings on your monthly electric bill, we offer customers a unique way to do their part to help the environment. A large portion of Viridian Energy comes from renewable GREEN sources such as SOLAR and WIND. Sign Up Now

Q. I didn't know I could switch to a different electricity supplier?

A.  Due to deregulation, customers have a choice when it comes to selecting their energy suppliers. Currently, Viridian Energy is in Connecticut, Pennsylvania. Maryland and New Jersey are starting FREE enrollment in May 2010. New York is opening in mid summer. Massachusetts and Illinois is opening in the Fall of 2010.Sign Up Now

Q. So what exactly is going to change and what will stay the same?

A.  Your local electric company will stay the same. You will continue to get a bill like you have been getting every month from your electric company. Your current electric company will continue to provide maintenance just like they always have. Sign Up Now to Switch & Start Saving