Vive la France--PETIT LOUIS turns 10 and celebrates in style--a la mode! It was a brutally hot Sunday, but that didn't dim any cool love for Roland Park's treasure, PETIT LOUIS as it turned 10 years old. Neighbors, friends and colleagues joined in what was called on the invite as"a fabulously French, utterly delicious, raucously fun summer celebration at Petit Louis Bistro."
Chef Tony Foreman and a staff of about 6 gents manned the outdoor kitchen that presented itself under, not a tent, just the hot sun--heading the main course grilling station menu seen below at LES GRILLADES section.
Immediately upo
n arrival, Allison Parker-Abromitis, Vice President, Development & Communication for THE CHARLESTON GROUP greeted me and insisted I view the gorgeous 4-tier masterpiece cake, prepared elegantly by Joseph Poupon and his staff at PATISSERIE POUPON. Then she added, but please wear the traditional tres French mustache too which were being handed out to all-. A festive touch! See the picture, I was a good sport. But standing alongside, General Manager Patrick Del Valle, who dons the real deal mustache, I felt confident we wore it well! Patrick was joined by his wife and gorgeous twin daughters for the event.
We loved spending time on a Sunday with MONYKA Berrocosa, MY CITY4HER, EDDIE APPLEFELD of Live at the Copa- WCBM Radio, MARTY KATZ, ZAGAT'S and making new friends like Savilla Rohde and her husband, Charles. Savilla Chairs the Walters Art Museum Jewelry Show this November.
The crowd relished in the food fun experience from enjoying the can-can girls, the staff dressed in traditional French bistro garb and French delicacies brought to Baltimore as only Cindy Wolf and Mr Foreman can-perfectly! Rose wine, white burgundy, red Rhone wine and Pol Roger champagne were poured often, as the 300 guests who paid $50 for the experience, sampled the following menu:
GOUGERE: Traditional Burgundy Cheese Pastry
BEIGNETS de CREVETTES: Shrimp & Zucchini Beignets, Espelette Aioli.
GRAVLAX: House Cured Salmon, Capers, Creme Fraiche
MOUSSE AU ROQUEFORT: Endive, Roquefort Mousse, Walnuts
PATE MAISON: Louis’ Country Style Pate, Cornichons & Dijon Mustard
SALADE VERTE: Local Mesclun Greens, Reggiano, Red Wine Vinaigrette
CELERIE REMOULADE: Celery Root, Capers, Aioli
SALADE DE POMME DE TERRE: Local Potatoes, Shallots, Dill
LEGUMES GRILLES: Local Grilled Vegetables
POULET PAILLARD: Marinated Grilled Chicken Breast
SAUMON GRILLE: Grilled Salmon
MERGUEZ: Spicy Lamb Sausage
BOEUF MARINE: Beef, Rosemary Marinade
Special tshirts were made with a, er, tongue and cheek message. We love it! "Will you eat with me tonight?"
Please also check out fabulous review of the event by CITYPEEK Guest Blogette Holly
A votre sante!