Baltimore: The Walters Art Museum invites you to step into a world of unforgettable sights and profound insights—a fascinating panorama of past cultures and key moments in time captured through the eyes of the most talented artists in history. One of only a few museums worldwide to present a comprehensive history of art from the third millennium B.C. to the early 20th century, the Walters is internationally renowned for its collection. Among its thousands of treasures, the museum holds the finest collection of ivories, jewelry, enamels and bronzes in America, as well as a spectacular reserve of illuminated manuscripts and rare books. The Walters’ Egyptian, Greek and Roman, Byzantine, Ethiopian and Western Medieval art collections are among the finest in the nation, as are the museum’s holdings of Renaissance and Asian art. And every major trend in French painting during the 19th century is represented by one or more works in the Walters’ collection. The Walters Art Museum will provoke your curiosity, engage your imagination and dazzle you with art of timeless beauty.