Mahaffey's Pub

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2706 Dillon St
Baltimore, MD 21224

Types: Bar Scene, Carry Out, Neighborhood favorite, Gastro Pub
Price Ranges: $5 - $20
Hours: 3pm - 2am
Phone: (410) 276-9899

Mahaffey's Pub located just steps from Canton Square on Dillon Street is a beer lovers Nirvana. 16 beers on tap that rotate weekly, and another 100+ in bottles. Add to that a few beers on cask and you have a selection that is hard to beat. Many of the beers are "one of's" so do yourself a favor try one.

Join the 100 beer club for even more fun. Sample 100 different beers, receive a pewter mug, t-shirt, and name on the plaque. Interactive website will let you know the beers in stock that you haven't had so you can get right down to business.

Light bar menu and specials every day of the week. It truly is a hidden gem. Room available on the second floor to host your own private party for 35 - 40 people